Category: Cubs

Cub Camp 2024

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Every Cub made it up the tree this weekend. What a great camp, a great group of young people and an amazing team that made it all possible. Thank you.

AGM 2024

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Many thanks to everyone who contributed to a successful AGM this week and especially to our young people, the Beavers sang their hearts out in front of their biggest audience, the Cubs shared how they earned a very important badge and the Scouts showed creative skills, teamwork and IT skills making their own video.

Crawley Town FC

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Well done to Georgia representing 1st Southgate with other Cubs from around Crawley flag waving at the Crawley Town FC home game today. The cubs were praised for their politeness and behaviour.

Group Camp 2023

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What a weekend!

We had 41 young people join us for our group camp this year! The whole camp had an amazing atmosphere!

This weekend wouldn’t have been possible without the support from the amazing leaders we had with us. Every leader got stuck in and helped where they could. So on behalf of all the young people, and myself, I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to them.

They tried Archery, Angel throwing, Air Rifle shooting, played lots of games and did a lot of being loud and running around!

We really hope that all the young people enjoyed their time with us this weekend, here are some photos below from the weekend!

Phoebe Woolard – Deputy GSL

Congratulations Darren

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This week our Group Scout Leader, Chris, was able to award Darren with his Getting Started certificate and pin badge. Already such a strong part of the team, well done Darren and thank you very much for all you do.

2023 AGM

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A massive thank you to everyone that attended the groups 2023 AGM. Your continued support is very much appreciated. Please find the minutes and AGM reports on the group documents page here.

If you would like to get involved then please speak to any one of us who will be able to help.

1st Southgate Leadership Team

1st Southgate AGM

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We would love for you to join us at this years AGM. If you are interested in any of the roles listed, or would like to get involved in a different way then please get in touch with anyone at the group or fill in the contact us form!

We hope you had a great night!

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Choosing when to have the Winter Event is not as easy as you may think! 2023 was perfectly timed though, a clear, crisp, DRY, winter evening to come together and celebrate all that’s great at this time of year.

Stanford is a wonderful venue, we know walking the lane is a challenge for many but if you make it, it is always worth the effort.

Wide games safely played in the dark are exciting, exploring is great fun and excellent hot bbq food and drink. Followed by a walk through the dark to the campfire circle for the warmth and welcome of a fantastic fire with such amazing singing! Then plenty of room to stand back and watch brilliant fireworks.

This evening was well received and great fun. An awful lot of work went in all afternoon to set up and a couple of hours to clean and pack away but well worth the effort. Many, many thanks to all the adults and young people who helped make this a special evening to lift the spirits and get us through the cold winter.

If you would like to be part of this fantastic team please speak to any of us – as little or as much time as you want to give. Scouts is a very special thing in which to take part.

Winter Event 2023

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We are pleased to invite you to our annual Winter Event. This year, the event will again be held at Stanford Campsite. There will be fireworks, a campfire and a BBQ. We all really hope you will be able to join us!